Telkom Kenya PUK request

What happens when you enter your PIN 3 times and your Telkom Kenya line gets blocked? Can you use another Telkom Kenya SIM in your possession to get a PUK code to unblock your other line?

Can you go to someone else, another Telkom Kenya subscriber, and ask for their help getting the PUK to unblock your Telkom Kenya SIM card?

Yes, you can.

Once you have access to that other line, here are the steps to follow to get your Telkom PUK number:

How to do a Telkom Kenya PUK request

  • Dial *100#
  • Select option 7: PUK Request
  • It will welcome you to the Telkom PUK menu. Enter your phone number – the one you want to get the PUK code for
  • Enter your ID number
  • Press Send
  • You’ll immediately be shown your PUK. You will see something like this for example ‘PUK1 is:64103854’
  • That’s your PUK.

In fact, here’s what I’d do with the Telkom PUK menu

I would just use it to get my PUK, write it down and keep it safely tucked away somewhere just in case I need it in the future.

Telkom Kenya also sends you a text message every time you make a PUK Request for your number or other Telkom Kenya phone numbers.

So, you might not even need to write anything down if you are the type of person who never clears texts Telkom sends them immediately ‘they reach your inbox and you read them’.

What to do once you have your PUK number

  • Enter the blocked line in your smartphone, tablet, laptop computer or modem
  • Turn the device on
  • Unlock the blocked line using the PUK you got
  • Set a new SIM PIN.
  • Top up your line and keep enjoying Telkom voice, SMS and data services.

And now for some fun…

Scenarios that may lead you to looking for the PUK to unlock your Telkom Kenya SIM card

Scenario number 1

You have similar cards (Orange / Telkom). From the outside they all look alike. So, in haste, you just slide one into a SIM slot.

You get prompted for the PIN and since you are in a rush, you enter the wrong code.

Now you have two attempts left before the card is blocked and you are asked to enter the PUK code.

You say to yourself, ‘May be my fingers just touched a number they shouldn’t have while entering the PIN – say the number 5 instead of 8 (because they are closer in your keypad and look similar in some ways)’.

You try a second time, ‘Wrong PIN/Incorrect PIN‘ you are told.

If you are really in a rush at this time you don’t even remember that you have another SIM that looks just like the one in your device.

May be you are even out of the door – on the move – and want to make an urgent call.

Something in your head then convinces you that you’re going to get it right the third time. And then boom! Wrong again.

You get asked for your line’s PUK code.

How do you get it? Once you have access to the other Telkom Kenya line (the similar one at home), and enter its PIN correctly, you can use it to get the PUK code for the Telkom Kenya SIM / line you just blocked – by dialing *100# and selecting option 7: PUK Request.

Scenario number 2

Your child asks for your phone. You give it to them, like you always do when you are in a good mood / don’t have many incoming calls.

You know what they usually do – play video games for example.

But curiosity takes the better part of them and your phone ends up being switched off.

Or it falls, accidentally.

Nothing is broken.

And then because they know one of your passwords or think you use your year of birth as password in your different SIM cards they try to enter the PIN.

Problem is they get it wrong on the first try – entering a 9 somewhere when it should have been a zero.

Second try, they get that wrong too.

And then comes the third attempt, and they skip a beat. Now it is the letters UK after the P. And even you, like most people, don’t know your PUK off-head.

So, either you have to get the PUK using the steps I’ve laid out above or get the plate (the big card your SIM is attached to when you first buy a line) and read the PUK from it.

Scenario number 3

Someone comes into your life and steals something (could be household items, your purse, wallet or phone) and in the melee your line somehow ends up being blocked because of an action on their part or yours.

Scenario number 4

You have a dual SIM smartphone with two lines.

Problem is you might be entering the right PIN for one of your lines thinking it is in slot 1 only to find out later it was in slot 2.

So, not wanting to open the back of your phone, you just keep entering the right PIN (say the PIN for your Safaricom line) to the wrong line (say your Telkom line).

You may have forgotten you switched the SIM cards – that they are no longer in the usual slots. Or someone may have switched them for you – and forgot to tell you.

The good thing is now you know how to get your PUK.

Have something you’d like to add concerning Telkom PUK codes? Let me know in the comments.

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