Start blogging ebook and online course

Want to start a blog, and make it successful? How to Start a Successful Blog is an ebook and online course by Philos Mudis that you can access right now.

This ebook + course gives you the guidance you need to build a successful blog.

You can either buy the ebook only or the ebook + course bundle. How? Select an option below, click add to cart, proceed to checkout and pay via PayPal, VISA card or MasterCard.

Select an option below to get started or learn more below first.

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When you look at the year we are in, 2024, and then look just a few years back, there is one thing that you have noticed: More people are getting online.

Mobile devices are getting cheaper. Internet is more affordable. In the years after 2024, more and more people will be able to access the internet.

This got anything to do with building successful blogs? Oui. The French would say that. That word sounds like Wii – and that is their way of saying yes.

Blogs reside online. And online is where more people are going, spending parts of their day or week reading and sending emails, chatting online, doing research, shopping, collaborating, reading news, reviews and articles on different topics.

More businesses and individuals, like you and me, are coming to the realization that blogs can be a powerful way to share their ideas & knowledge, build engaged communities, grow a following, increase awareness about a certain thing, teach, reach new markets and even charge for their products or services.

Blogs are powerful (and affordable) when you strip away all the hype (that often lead to a lot of frustration and abandoned blogs) surrounding blogging and make a firm decision to persistently work to make them successful.

So, whether you know the benefits that come with having a successful blog or not or there is something (ideas, opinions, knowledge, products or services) you’d like to share with people within and beyond the boundaries of your country, read on.

What is this ebook + course all about?

The How to Start a Successful Blog ebook (and course) is about, you guessed it, how you can start a blog – a successful blog. One of your own.

This ebook + course is:

  • about what individuals and businesses that have made the decision to start their own blogs need to focus on if they want to avoid the mistakes many blog owners make and two, it is
  • about all the guidance you need to build a successful and profitable blog, that is, if you’ve made, or can make, the decision to work on your blog consistently – a step at a time, to reach your blogging goals – for this sure beats being sporadic.

This ebook and course helps you become clear about what you want.

In it you will learn that you can do more by focusing on a few things even when there are all these tips to get tons of traffic baying for your attention.

Without clarity, these tips will just be a distraction.

Online, distractions lead to lost time.

Lost time means work not done.

Work not done, lead to frustration.

Frustration makes it hard for you to keep nurturing your blog, patiently closing in on your goals

And when a blog is not nurtured it starts its fast spiral down the hole of blogs no one cares about – where forgotten blogs reside – a place where you don’t want your blog to be in.

How to Start a Successful Blog gives you clarity, tips, and strategies to give you the courage to do the hard work many dread or consider boring.

It helps you build a successful blog. Want one? You do. Read on to see if this ebook and course is for you.

Who is this ebook and online course for?

There is one simple way to determine if this ebook is for you. You ask yourself this question: Do I want a successful blog?

You must want a blog in the first place before you ask yourself this question. If you want a blog that means you already know the power that comes with owning a successful one.

For individuals and businesses, that power could be the power to: share your vision, to reach people and turn them into customers, to help others, to encourage and to edify.

Different businesses and individuals look at this power differently.

Different people leverage it to achieve different goals. But all these people have to ask themselves that one question: ‘Do I really want a successful blog targeting a niche in my locality, another country or a more evergreen niche topic that appeals to people around the world?’.

This ebook and course are for individuals and businesses who want to start blogs and make them successful. If that is you, if you want to build a successful blog, make this investment, today.

How much does it go for? And how can I pay for the course and ebook?

  • The ebook alone goes for USD 3 payable via PayPal, VISA card or MasterCard.
  • The ebook + course bundle goes for USD 30 this too, is payable via PayPal, VISA card or MasterCard.

To get your copy of How to Start a Successful Blog...

Select an option above (either ebook only or ebook + course bundle). Click Add to Cart > Proceed to Checkout > Fill in your details (like name and email address – very important) > Choose the Payment option> Place Order.

When you do that you’ll get a download link sent to the email address you provided and a link to your course material (if you pay for the course + ebook bundle).

What next after downloading the ebook (buying the course)?

When you get your copy you read it. Every word. And not just passive reading.

I have found out that when you take notes while reading, you get more out of an ebook or course than when you just plow through it like most people do when reading novels.

Read it in one sitting. Or two. Or three. Go back to sections you have read if necessary then do the one thing that most don’t do: start a blog and commit to making it a success, referring to the ebook or course material (asking questions and getting help) from time to time because the information in it will still be useful as you blog – day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.

Can I promote the ebook and course as an affiliate and get paid for each referral?

Yes. You can promote the ebook and online course by signing up for affiliate program for free.

Once you sign up, you’ll get your unique affiliate link which you can use to promote the ebook, e-course and other products and services sold on online shop.

Payments to affiliates are made every two weeks or every month – depending on how many people one refers to online shop that buy the ebook, e-course or both.

Learn more | Sign up to become an affiliate.

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Want to buy the ebook, course or both now? Select your option then proceed to checkout.

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