Safaricom KSh 50 5GB data bundle (valid from 12 am to 6 am)

Recently I came across a great data bundle offering from Safaricom when checking new offers under the *544# menu / USSD code. What is the bundle you ask? The Kenya Shillings 50 5GB bundle valid from midnight to morning (6 am).

I had heard about it before but never took much interest in the offering. That is until recently. I had recorded a video with my smartphone for my YouTube channel.

All went well until I had to look at the file size.

It was close to 1GB in size. After some editing, the file size went past the 1GB mark.

I primarily use Safaricom internet:

  • when browsing the web
  • when uploading or downloading large files
  • when working on new content to add to my blog
  • when watching videos on YouTube
  • when listening to music online or
  • when just sending emails to various persons / organizations I want to reach out to

But I usually never deal with files this large.

So, I used various 1GB data bundles, Giga daily and Tunukiwa hourly bundles, and thought to myself: maybe it would be better to just use the KSh 50 5GB data bundle when making large / long videos for my YouTube channel.

The same thing could be said for anyone who relies on Safaricom internet that suddenly started to upload / download large files on the internet.

It is a good data bundle especially for people that don’t want to spend a lot on bundles but still get to upload or download large files.

In my case for example, I can create multiple videos, buy the bundle when midnight strikes, then just select all the videos I want to upload to YouTube Studio.

While the files upload, I can do something else.

I can even let the upload continue while I sleep – and wake up in the morning to publish / schedule the video.

How to purchase the KSh 50 5GB data bundle (valid from 12 am to 6 am)

  • Dial *544#
  • Reply with 1: My Data Deals / 1: Unlock FREE Data
  • Select option 4: Hot Deals (Tunukiwa)
  • Select option 5: Sh50=5GB, till 6am today / 2: Sh 50 (5GB valid 12 am to 6 am today)
  • Buy using 1: Airtime or reply with 2 to buy the data bundle via M-PESA


  • Dial *100# on your feature phone, smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer (if using a modem or MiFi router)
  • Reply with 9: Buy and tap Send button
  • Reply with 1: My Data Deals / 1: Unlock FREE DATA >> 4: Hot Deals (Tunukiwa)
  • Select option 2: Sh 50 (5GB valid 12 am to 6 am today)
  • Buy using 1: Airtime or reply with 2 to pay via M-PESA


  • Dial *456#
  • Reply with 1: Buy
  • Then option 3: Data Bundles
  • Then 1: My Data Deals >> 4: Hot Deals (Tunukiwa) / 2: Daily Bundle > 0: Unlock FREE Data OR go with option 7: Data Offers > 1: Tunukiwa
  • Select option 2: Sh 50 (5GB valid 12 am to 6 am today)
  • Reply with 1 to pay using airtime or 2 to buy the bundle via M-PESA


  • Dial *444#
  • 1: Buy Data Deals
  • Reply with 5: Sh50=5GB, till 6am today
  • Reply with 1 to pay with airtime OR 2 to pay via M-PESA
  • Reply with 1: Accept

What to do with the KSh 50 5GB data bundle

You can use the data bundle to do the following:

  1. Upload files to YouTube. If you run a YouTube channel, you can use this data bundle to upload files to your YouTube account.
  2. Upload large files to online storage services / sites such as Dropbox and Google Drive. If you have files you don’t want to lose, you can back them up in various storage devices offline and also save copies of those files online on Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon AWS and similar services.
  3. Backup large websites and blogs offline. You can use the bundle to backup your WordPress site for example to cloud storage services such as Dropbox. Or you can create a backup of your site and download it to your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone or smart TV.
  4. Download multiple ebooks online from websites such as If you like reading, there are so many good books you can find on the site mentioned. The books are free to download. You can download tens or hundreds of them in various file formats to your device. Other sites you can go to to get free / paid ebooks include,, and
  5. Download podcasts. Use the night bundle whenever you want to download multiple episodes from your favourite podcast hosts.
  6. Download YouTube tutorials. If you find video tutorials on YouTube that you like, you can download them to your device for quick access.
  7. Download online course materials. If you pay for a course online and there are files that students who enroll are allowed to download, such as video tutorials, you can use this bundle to download whatever you need to your device.
  8. Download songs. If you find / pay for music online – and are allowed to download the music, use this bundle to quickly get the files to your device from whichever app you use to discover / consume new music.
  9. Download movies and TV series. Not all movies and series are free on the web. But there are some good ones that are free to stream and download. You can use this bundle to download them to your device.
  10. Stream digital content online on weekends for example. That is if you find yourself awake past midnight.

That’s it.

If you want this bundle, you can access it daily after midnight, by dialing *544#, or by using the other Safaricom USSD shortcode mentioned above.

To read my other articles on Safaricom product and services, check this category.

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