How to update Safaricom SIM registration details online

Want to know how to update Safaricom SIM registration details? Am going to show you what I did to get my Safaricom line details updated to stay compliant with the law.

Down below I will also tell you what you need to do in order to ensure that all your details are up to date on

I will tell you what you need depending on where you decide to go get your SIM updated (Safaricom Shop, dealer shop or online).

Details you will have to submit when updating your Safaricom SIM registration

-Details on your ID (name, date of birth, your ID number and gender)
-Your phone number
-Your photo (a recent photo of you taken when you visit any Safaricom Shop or dealer shop). Wear something nice.
-Your signature

Where to go to update your Safaricom SIM ownership details

Safaricom Shops in Kenya

If you live in any major town or city with a Safaricom Shop, you can just walk in with all your Safaricom lines and identity card (national ID or passport for example) to start the process of updating your SIM ownership details.

The problem with going with this route is that you might find a long queue when you get to the shops. So, maybe it might be a good idea to go there early in the morning (or any time of the day when you think the shops won’t be too busy).

The good thing with this is that you can just show up in a Safaricom Shop with your SIM card and ID and the staff will take care of everything for you.

Safaricom Dealer Shops in Kenya

The first time this year people started getting their SIM card details updated in droves, I realized that most opted to go to Safaricom Shops to get the process completed.

Then I also realized that one didn’t have to go to town to get their SIM updated. A person would just walk to one of the nearest dealer shops in their neighbourhood, start the process and walk out in a few minutes.

You can avoid long queues at a Safaricom Shop by visiting a dealer shop near you.

Self-update SIM Online via

To update Safaricom SIM details online:

Dial *106#
Select option 2: Self SIM Registration Update
You will get a text message that reads as follows: ‘SIM Registration Link. Dear Customer, to self-update your SIM registration details, click and follow the simple steps.’
-Clicking on the link will take you to
Once on your web browser, enter your Safaricom phone number and accept the terms to receive a one time password / PIN (OTP)
Click Verify & Proceed
Next, you be taken to the numbers registered
You will have to upload document proof after. You should have these ready on your device. Have scans of the front and back of your national identity card ready. Also have a recent photo of you ready.
Once you’re done, you will see a notification that looks like this: ‘Success. Dear Customer, Registration details for the mobile numbers below are compliant as per government regulations. 711XXX123.’

*106# Safaricom USSD code to update SIM card details

When you dial the *106# Safaricom USSD code here’s all the menu items you will find.

Number Query Service:

1: Check Registration Status
2: Self SIM Registration Update
3: Check reported numbers
4: Report unknown numbers – Select a number to report from the list.
5: Cancel a reported number – Use this to check if there are any reported numbers currently.
6: Frequently Asked Questions
7: Jichanue – Fraud Tips

Under the Frequently Asked Questions you will find answers to these questions:

-What is *106# service?
-Can I access *106# service from any of my registered numbers?
-Can I update my registration details without visiting the shop?
-What happens when I report a number?
-What is my primary number?
-Can I change my primary number?
-If I report a number by mistake, can I still update my registration on the same number?
-Why can’t I see the full digits of numbers?
-Can I cancel a number reported by mistake?
-Can I report numbers that don’t belong to me to the police?
-Why can’t I see a number I’m sure cis registered under my name?


Use the *106# shortcode to ensure your ID is only registered to your line.

Present ID to agent to complete verification if you’re in town. They will take care of the process for you. All you will have to do after presenting your ID is have your photo taken and sign on their smartphone’s screen to complete the process.

Have a scan / picture of ID, and a photo, ready if you haven’t started the process. You can then go to to complete the process online on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC.

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