Want to enjoy the benefits of self-publishing? Want to get paid royalties for ebooks you write once and just upload online? Read this article to learn how you can do this when you hire Amazon Kindle book freelancers to write, design and edit your book.
Read through the posts for some tips you can use:
- during the research phase of your book
- when outsourcing the work to freelance writers
Why have a book published on Amazon Kindle book
It is popular. The Amazon KDP, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, is one of the biggest book publishing platform in the world. It rides on the popularity of the e-commerce giant’s reach / customer base in the United States and other countries.
Plus, Amazon Kindle readers and free Kindle reading apps has made it easier than ever for readers to buy ebooks on any topic within minutes and start consuming their content on variety of devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers) running operating systems such as Google Android, Apple iOS and Windows 10. And the Kindle .mobi ebook format is also popular for writers and authors publishing and distributing digital books on Amazon.com or their own websites / blogs / online shops.
It is free. To publish an ebook on Amazon, one usually just needs the content and a cover for the book. And Amazon doesn’t charge authors any fees (upfront) to have their ebooks published on their platform.
So, anyone interested in uploading some create content they have created can just do so without paying any money. Amazon only takes a cut when someone buys a book on their platform. So, it is free and you can publish a book any time you want – you can even upload multiple titles for free every month.
For the money / royalties of course. This is another great reason to have a book published on Amazon. Once you have a great content piece, you can leverage their big platform (with millions of buyers) to make money selling copies of your book.
Once you upload your work, there isn’t much else to do (except doing some promotions here and there on and off Amazon) but to wait for Amazon to send you your royalties (70% in some territories and 30% on others) for each copy of your book sold.
Things you need to know before you seek help from freelancers for your Amazon Kindle book
Choose a niche then publish several titles. This is what I see people who are doing well self-publishing books on Amazon do a lot. They focus on one category (subcategory) on Amazon then publish their first book – a 50 to 100 page guide for example.
Then they create a second title and publish it in the same niche category. They then do this for their third, fourth, fifth and even their sixth book before they start exploring other categories on Amazon they can publish ebooks on.
Do your research inside Amazon and use Amazon specific keyword research tools. To help you unearth search terms you can use to optimize your book’s title and description, so you can rank high on Amazon search, spend some time looking at existing books in the category you want to publish in.
Check their titles, descriptions, customer reviews, ebook cover design, rank on Amazon search, and also check the ‘customers who bought this also bought these’ section for even more ideas. Give your book a chance to rank highly on Amazon by doing a great deal of research before even one word is written.
Also use keyword tools created just for sellers using the Amazon platform to sell their products.
Do this so you can find angles you can use to push your book up the search results pages – of course sales numbers and reviews will count when Amazon decides where to rank your book but when you are just starting out, focusing on things you can control now such as the keywords you use in your title and book description.
Amazon Kindle book tasks to outsource to freelancers
Here are some things freelancers you hire on Niabusiness Classifieds can help you with:
Coming up with a great title. Even if you come up with a title yourself, they can offer one or two more suggestions that can act as alternatives. If you share the general idea you have for your ebook with them, they can also go out there do a little digging then come up with a list of titles you can use when you finally decide to upload your book on Amazon KDP.
Ghostwriting. So, the actual writing of the book. You can hire freelance writers to create short guides that touch on specific topics / problems. Once you create an outline, a freelancer can undertake the task of turning your outline into a first draft.
You can decide to outsource the ebook as a whole or outsource just sections of the book. For example, you can ask them to write chapter two and then only give them the go ahead to writer chapter three when two is complete.
Creating a table of contents. You can also hire somebody to create a clickable table of contents for your ebook.
Formatting the book. You can hire someone to choose how the the actual words in your ebook are laid out on each page. The freelancer you hire on Niabusiness can help you decide on a font type, font size, indentation, paragraphing, text and image alignment among other things.
Designing a cover. You can also hire a freelance graphic designer to create an ebook cover for you. They can do this with free images from stock photo sites, use images they have, take some of the images you have captured with your camera or just use all text on a background with just one or two colors.
Creating a product page optimized for Amazon search engine. This is something a freelance writer you hire to write your ebook can create before they even start working on your book. Or they can do it once they are done.
To hire freelancers for your Amazon book on Niabusiness, do the following
Go, to the Freelance Writers / Content Creators category to find a writer you can hire. Browse through the ad listings in the category and message a few writers.
Tell them what you need help with. And ounce you take a look at their portfolio and are confident they can help you achieve your aims, outsource the writing work to them.
To hire a designer for your ebook cover, check the Graphics & Design category.
To hire an editor and proofreader, check the Freelancer Writers category.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, use the Place Ad option on Niabusiness.com to create a free ad listing with details about what you need help with.