When you settle on an idea for your online business and decide to take the next step, which is implementation, you will quickly realize how much the internet is vital in starting, growing it and connecting with others.
This realization stops some people from going on with their idea, simply because of reasons like:
- I don’t have my own computer to work on
- I have very slow internet
- I can’t afford the expensive data bundles
- I don’t have a good modem
- Without constant internet access, this thing won’t work
—does the main question have to revolve around your lack of a proper internet connection, really?
If you want to get started online, however little money you have, you have to think a little deeper, look at your situation – whether unique or not – and come up with solutions that help you move forward, one tiny step at a time, instead of waiting for everything to be just a little better or perfect, before you make the decision to commit to seeing your idea turn into a profitable business.
As someone who’s had a few failures and successes online, I can tell you that sometimes people just focus on things that are not very important – like having a high speed 24/7 internet access.
There’s a point when it’s not a must to have that; when you need to be creative, to think long term and use what you have.
For example, if you believe that part of your business success is rooted in starting and growing a blog, you may not have even a slow computer to type your articles.
But you can find a way to do that and have them published to your site in a cyber café near you by either copying and pasting each to your post editor or by uploading them all at once as an XML file using the import option some blog software have.
You can even do this last bit on your phone.
Do you see where I am going with this?
I once thought that to build something successful (useful) online, I had to have a certain amount of money, tools, and equipment.
I used to think that I could not be able to do anything worthwhile without all these things that cost way more than I had.
That’s until I realized another way.
Instead of just sitting, I could learn new skills, do my own research and learn as much as I could.
Doing this shook the little helplessness in me – the kind that we sometimes feel when we can’t help but wonder if the little we have can actually propel our ideas and little ventures forward.
I am not, in any way, insinuating that the equipment and tools, won’t help you reach your goals fast.
Actually, they make starting and running a business on the internet from the comforts of your home office easier.
But what if you don’t have these things?
Give up? No. Do you just sit? No.
You can choose to do things the hard way; to feel a little uncomfortable – instead of feeling comfortable with your ideas in your head, just waiting and waiting to start in an unknown date in the future.
Running your online business from a cyber café…
… may feel uncomfortable now.
But if you still don’t have a computer, internet connection and any useful software you find installed in some of the ‘public machines’, you have a choice: to start now or to wait – even when deep down you know it’s better launching now.
Focus mostly on the work, the kind that is tedious, sometimes boring but delivers more value to others and results in even bigger returns for you and the people you do business with.
Because guess what? There are a lot of valuable things you can do offline first. Sort of like building a strong foundation before you rush online promoting something hastily put together that no one seems to want to look at.
Note down all the important things you can do offline. Do them, so that when you go online, you’ll have something useful people might be interested in. Build connections with others. Introduce yourself.
Participate in social media. But while doing all these things and wondering why you spend so much time in cyber cafes, getting little done, remember to ask yourself:
What are the top 5 things I should be doing to take my business a level higher?
Focus on those. Your top five. On the hard stuff…mixing it a little with the more fun, easy to do activities that lack the compounding effect your top 5 have.
That usually involves creating more value (by teaching through content, helping others find solutions to their problems) and refining what you’ve already created (your own products and services).
That internet café near you can lead to great things. It’s up to you to decide if you want to get more from: 1) you, and 2) it.
For tips on the things to focus on when starting your business, I recommend you check the free ebook I linked to above.