11 ways to promote your free ebook

One challenge many people face after publishing a new free ebook, is how to get it out there, to the right people and get them to read it. Many people think of ways to create a viral effect – hoping that people will just like their new ebook and share it with their friends, families and even … Read more

How not to let your blog stop you from writing and publishing your book

When I was around seventeen years old, I had written the first chapter of what was supposed to be my first novel. It seemed I had it all figured out. I had the list of publishers I’d approach with my proposal and the first three chapters as samples. One year passed. Eighteen years on earth … Read more

5 things publishers look for in a book

Ever wondered what publishers really look for in a book? Let’s say a budding writer, we shall call Mary, has finished writing her novel after labouring for eight months. She now wants to see her work in print. Apart from going the traditional route, she also wants her book to be available as an ebook … Read more