Hire technical writers online in Kenya on Niabusiness

If you run a business that creates complex products you always want to make sure that the end user is able to get the most out of it without lots of interventions from you.

You want some form of documentation to accompany your product:

  • To help your customers get started (for example if there is some assembly to be done before they can start using your product, some sort of manual to help them assemble your product, can help them get started quickly).
  • To help your customers troubleshoot problems on their own. This is common with software developers.

Usually they give the end user a way to figure out what could be causing a problem in their system – and to generate and send over an error code for further help if they unsuccessfully try to fix a problem on their own.

So, keep reading to learn how you can hire technical writers in Kenya to help you help your customers get the most out of your products and services.

Businesses that can benefit from hiring technical writers

  • Business that sell physical products that require assembly. For example companies selling high end bicycles / mountain bikes, severs & racks, desktop computers, drones, farming equipment, furniture, home security systems, exercise equipment among others
  • Businesses that manufacture and sell electronic devices. For example smartphones, laptops, appliances, storage devices, smart home devices, vacuum cleaners and motors.
  • Business that sell engines or products with engines in them. So, things like power saws, lawn mowers, boat engines, generators or other things using petrol or diesel powered engines.
  • Business that sell software. For example accounting software, design software, music production software etc.
  • Business that sell apps on various app stores.
  • Businesses that sell extensions, add-ons and plugins. Plugins that need extensive documentations to help customers edit code and add custom features on their own using examples laid out in documentation found in a book, leaflet or online on a website or blog.

Then there are many other disciplines where technical areas that may require government bodies and NGOs to bring in technical writers as well – to help come up with policies that can help:

  • bolster security (in the food or health sector for example)
  • cushion the citizenry from harsh economic times.

You can hire technical writers to write

Blog posts that can take the shape of tutorials. If you are in the SaaS space, selling a device, selling software or some physical product that require assembly, a technical writer can help you create many posts each breaking down one area that most of your users have difficulties with.

So, when someone experiences a problem after purchasing from you they can go to the post that specifically talks about what they are experiencing – to learn how to eliminate the problem.

Manuals. For example manuals that go in the box with products – the little guides that users can refer to from time to time when they don’t know how to do something. You see this with smartphones and home appliances a lot.

Or with various products that are complicated – think of motor vehicle engines, diagnostic tools, pesticides, health monitoring devices, reproductive health products etc.

Some of these manuals will usually just come as printed pages bound together – with a PDF version available for free download on the manufacturer’s website for example.

Scripts for video tutorials. Videos usually are more engaging than instructions in plain text (with a few sketches / image-only examples).

So, for businesses that want to take advantage of video as a medium to help their users get the most out of their products, hiring a technical writer to help with the scripting is usually something they consider strongly before even bringing in a team to film everything.

And then there are businesses that are lucky – hiring writers that can also make video tutorials for customers using affordable video Creation software such as Snagit, Camtasia or Filmora.

Here are some reasons you might want to get a technical writer to help you communicate complex instructions in a way that is easy to consume

You might not have the time for it. I see this a lot with software companies. Most of the times the developers don’t have the time to sit down and write blog posts or tutorials.

They are just busy with development work – and offering a little assistance here and there to customers whenever they can. But they can work with someone quite skilled to gradually roll out content that users can rely on when they want to assemble something, fix a problem, or achieve a certain desired goal using the software product.

That writer might be also a developer – with the same level of skill as the others. Or they may be a junior developer.

Hiring a writer also frees you from endless customer queries if what you are selling is so complicated. The writer you hire can create content to all the top questions you get asked. Content that covers all the top problems your users usually experience. Then you can link back to these resources (on your website) from the leaflets you give away or from within your app or software.

So, once someone buys from you, you will give them a few quick tips – then tell them where to look (on your website) whenever they are stuck.

The number of blogs publishing content on all manner of technical stuff should also inspire you to get in the content game. Even if you are not going to use ads or affiliate links, your content can still bring in a substantial amount of traffic your way. And all these visitors, all of them will likely be potential customers.

So, while you teach, you will also be selling – subtly. The new people finding you through the content your technical writer creates will want to become clients.

And your existing customers will stick with you because of the good customer experience they are getting (help when they are stuck), becoming repeat customers buying form you over and over – knowing you are a reliable vendor that takes care of their needs before and post-purchase.

The process of hiring a technical writer on Niabusiness

Once you know what you are looking for / what you need help with. Once you have identified areas you can start out publishing content on, go to the Niabusiness.com Freelance Writers / Content Creators category to start your search for a writer you can outsource work.

Check the listings in that category. Narrow in on a few and reply to them.

Once a freelancer messages you back, talk to them about you want to accomplish, your vision for the project, what you are trying to solve (for your business and customers) and gauge if you can work together on your project.

Then agree on a fee (a rate that is reasonable) and a deadline.

And outsource the work.

Once it is completed the freelancer will send you files which you can review and okay before paying them.

If you go through the listings and don’t find something specific to your needs, click here to place your own ad on Niabusiness. Placing an ad on the site is free.

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