The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 2015 is going on. And students in secondary schools in different parts of Kenya are sitting for their papers, doing their best to, hopefully, get top scores come 2016 when the KCSE results are announced.
That is if their results don’t get cancelled by KNEC (Kenya National Examinations Council) for exam malpractice.
Some would argue that social media and cheap access to the internet (well students still sneak phones, modems and tablets to school) is making cheating in the national exams even easier compared to the years 2014, 2013…
Add that to the prolonged teachers strike that made some students lazy (not working to their full capacity to get ready for the examinations), the cheating is probably going to continue till the third term ends – and KCSE is over.
However much the Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi isn’t ready for the truth that there is lots of evidence to show that a lot of papers have been leaked on the internet as reports on some television stations have shown, more students are going to be tempted to look for the papers before they actually sit the exams.
Everyone (not every student, but you get the point) wants an advantage.
An edge over the thousands of other students who registered for the form four national examinations this year.
Everyone wants a place to look.
A short cut.
An easier way to get the As – and good spots in the few ‘cool’ universities in Kenya.
It’s not like students haven’t been cheating in the years before.
So, many are going to do their best to escape the Ds, Es and weak Cs if they can.
For everyone wants to look good on paper – the result slips and certificates.
At least for now, most students think this is something important they should do.
To show everyone, including their parents and guardians, how hard they have been working in school.
And few will listen if you tell them not to look for the leaked papers and just face the exams without the ‘outside help’.
Peer pressure, rife as it is in many schools, is going to drive many schools (teachers and students) to look for the questions beforehand.
Many, now, can almost see themselves in the front pages of newspapers next year!
Is it wrong? That’s a question every student tempted to cheat (or cheating already) should ask themselves?
Should KNEC cancel this year’s KCSE and release new papers that haven’t been leaked yet? This is a tricky one! For the persons who have leaked the papers doing rounds in social media already could just do the same to any paper KNEC decides to put out.