How parents can support their children and instill the valuable skill of endurance

Parents are among some of the resilient persons you can ever meet and there are many of them doing a terrific job supporting and raising their children.

Parenting as a labour of love

Even though I call it job, it is more of a labour of love.

All they want is the best for their children – raising their sons and daughters to be responsible, compassionate, humble, hard working and successful people in the society.

Of course, most of them go about achieving these goals in different ways.

Today I want to discuss how parents can help their children exploit their full potential…how parents can help their children nurture their talents.

And because you are already doing these things in a particular way that works for you, you will find something below that you can decide to put into practice immediately.

Support your child by teaching him the art of endurance

Most parents view their children from a psychologists’ point of view.

I do too, but to some extent I disagree with some theories brought forth by psychologists.

Take an example of assignments.

It is advised that children should be allowed to take short breaks when they are doing their homework.

But sometimes, parents don’t realise that their children are extra-ordinary.

You don’t need to treat an extra-ordinary child like a ‘normal’ child if you are a parent – as psychologists advice – you know they say a child this age should be treated like this and so on.

What if your child doesn’t fit their description of the word ‘child’?

I have realized that sometimes children don’t explore their full potential because parents don’t encourage them to.

Their parents treat them like normal children when in fact they are extraordinary. And I’m not discriminating here.

And so, the said children, only have to contend with what we think is within their ability relative to how old they are, which is not bad in the view of many parents.

But what if the children can handle more than their parents dare give them credit for?

What if they are voracious readers who love to learn and experiment? Do you just look the other way like many parents do or do you decide to choose to spend some extra hours to nurture that extra-flair in them?

It’s extra hard work, yes!

And sometimes it is even hard to know where to get started.

That may be a reason why some parents choose to look the other way and only participate in nurturing the normalness in their children leaving the extra-ordinary in them to flounder.

But within you, the parent, is this extra ordinary gift to help nurture the extra ordinary in your children.

As a parent, watch your children closely to nurture the gifts they have

Today I challenge all parents to watch their children closely.

To encourage their children to do the best they can.

To encourage their children to try harder.

To be really involved in what their children do.

To be th people who help the children build strong foundations for all the dreams and aspirations they have in life – which after all, may culminate in to their life’s purpose.

Many children are extraordinary in a way.

The parents just have to find out that way.

After that the children should not be treated as normal when they show characteristics of an extraordinary child.

Taking all these measures as a parent will mean that your child will have to push on – and love it – once you explain to them why they should.

Your child will have to learn new things. Your child will have to learn how to deal with failure. Your child will embrace his or her new abilities to do things better than kids their age.

All along they’ll be learning the art of endurance.

If someone learns how to endure as a child, chances are the person shall have acquired a very prestigious gift.

Most of the things that keep people on the path of happiness or success are normally considered boring.

People prefer to act normal – work, then escape work when evening comes to get some entertainment.

Life where you do things but fear keeps you from doing great things is often caused by lack of the ability to endure.

If your child is extraordinary treat them so. Instill self-discipline.

If you consider your child to be just a normal kid (in terms of their ability to learn and create) treat them as extraordinary.

Hold their hands.

Guide them.

Love them.

Be their fan.

Be there for them.

Correct them when they are wrong, even if that means spanking.

 Just make sure the learning process doesn’t leave your child overwhelmed.

And you the parent be consistent.

For when you do this, all of you will come out at the end of the tunnel stronger and able to endure and thrive in good times and bad times alike – a valuable skill necessary for the enjoyment of life, in this day and age, if you ask me.

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