5 things successful people do at the beginning of every month

There are many things that differentiate unsuccessful people from the persons considered successful. A bigger part of the differences stem from their actions or inactions. And below are some things you should start doing at the beginning of every month if you aren’t doing them already. One may also argue that you should forget about … Read more

How to stop procrastinating and be successful

Want to stop procrastinating and be successful? To no more delay action? To once for all decide to work hard and become the successful person you know you can be? Yes? May be? The tips in this article will help you reduce the rate at which you put off the things that are, essentially, the … Read more

Want to be successful? Learn how procrastination disorganises and probably ruins your life

I took a walk around a temple called LIFE, enjoyed the company of different people but no one frightened me so much like the guy PROCRASTINATION. He looked so innocent, quiet in a corner by a very large window, a sword and shield in hand. He looked somehow like a bully, but before I could … Read more

Be successful: 5 things that will compel you to be an extraordinary performer in life

You know the saying. There are lots of almosts out there. A lot of people whose skill are rated average. And a ton more who wallow in mediocrity – in parts of the world where this is considered normal. But then there are those people who master a skill or topic in a way that makes … Read more

To become a successful person, what do I need to do better?

When I was sixteen, I could sit and think about what the word success really meant. In later years I still went on doing this. I’d sit for hours under a tree thinking. Then I came across Jaime’s blog – and read a post she titled 25 Quotes When You Are having a Craptastic Day. … Read more