How to start a blog in Kenya + web hosting plans to buy

If you want to learn how to start a blog in Kenya, it probably means that you are ready to publish blog posts in a topic or two you have in mind, knowing that someone somewhere doing their search on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Duckduckgo or any other search engine of their choice will find your articles, … Read more

How to start a business blog in Kenya: a site for entrepreneurs

Ever wanted to know how to start a blog in Kenya that shares business and entrepreneurship tips? If you are a Kenyan entrepreneur, successful business owner, business coach or consultant chances are there are a lot of things you know that the young people of Kenya, chama  (investment group) members and the owners of small, … Read more

Online newspaper: How to start a news blog

Breaking news, general news updates and blogging on things going on in and outside Kenya is a huge business. Every single day, there are many Kenyans and non-Kenyans (interested in what’s happening and affecting Kenya and it’s people) who rely on local TV stations, FM radio stations, daily newspapers, weeklies and magazines to stay informed. … Read more

Walter Akolo of An interview on how to start a blog in Kenya, get traffic and make money from it

Today, we have the founder of, Walter Akolo, sharing his experiences, observations, tips and strategies that you can use to start your own blog in Kenya and grow it into something popular, bringing in many readers (customers) attracted to the free and premium content you create. He tells you what to do to grow your blog (lessons he … Read more

8 types of popular blogs in Kenya: general and niche focused

Many bloggers in Kenya have come up with different types of blogs in various niches in recent years – managing to build popular blogs catered to different segments of the Kenyan population. As part of the how to start a blog in Kenya series, today we look at the categories most of the popular blogs … Read more

How writers and authors can start blogs, reach more readers and sell more books in Kenya

Writers in Kenya are some of the people with great ideas to share with their fellow citizens – given the fact that they are already familiar with the process of putting ideas down on paper and sharing them with others – to inspire, educate, provoke thought, teach, edify or rebuke. Most Kenyan authors, the well-known … Read more

5 misconceptions stopping more Kenyans from starting blogs

Call them lies or misconceptions, in this part of how to start a blog in Kenya series we look at some of the things that are stopping more Kenyans from starting their own blogs. So, below are some things people have read on other websites or been told by someone they asked about blogging – … Read more

How to start a county news blog in Kenya

As part of the how to start a blog in Kenya series, we’ll look at how to start a county news blog in this post today. Kenya has 47 counties – devolved governments separate from the national government – with a lot of activities in each of them. Meaning you can start a blog targeting … Read more

An interview with Kenya’s Harriet Ocharo of on starting a blog, getting more traffic and making money blogging

Today we have the Kenyan blogger Harriet Ocharo of I am glad she took the time to answer a few questions I sent her – her answers making this interview possible. She’s been blogging in Kenya for a long time and has gathered a lot of experience along the way. What she does below … Read more

Gossip blog (website) in Kenya: How to start one on WordPress

There are many gossip blogs in Kenya – popular with young people. Call them entertainment blogs or gossip blogs, Kenyans flock to these sites to get recent news on celebrities from Kenya and those visiting the country for shows and live performances. This post, part of the how to start a blog in Kenya series … Read more

Should you start your blog on (Blogspot)?

If you live in or outside Kenya and want to start a blog, there are many options to look at – from free platforms like Blogger to WordPress self-hosted version which requires that you pay for domain name registration and get a web hosting plan before you can get started creating your site. Here is … Read more

Kenyan bloggers: their top 8 concerns as they work on growing their blogs

As part of the how to start a blog in Kenya series, today, let’s look at some of the concerns of bloggers in this country. Most people I know would want their blogs to be featured in every top 50 or 100 blogs list in Kenya (and maybe you would like that too), not so? … Read more

Google AdSense: Why bloggers in Kenya like using it to make money online with their blogs

Google Adsense, the ad network by Google, is a popular way for bloggers in Kenya and around the world to make money online with their blogs. It is popular with online media companies and bloggers around the world. It’s no doubt Kenyan bloggers like it as well. As part of the how to start a … Read more